4 simple steps

to order your products on BuyHive

Step 1

Step 2
the right

Step 3
Add product(s)
to shopping

Step 4
Checkout & make payment online or offline

Step 1:

Register or Login

Create an Account on
the BuyHive site:
(Click Sign In Button>Create Account)

If you are an existing user,
Sign In to your account:
(Click Sign In Button>Sign In)

Step 2:

Find the right product(s)

To left of search box click on Categories, and choose the product category you like, e.g. Oxygen Concentrator

Review the search results to find your product. Click on product image to view details.

Step 3

Add product(s) to shopping cart

Review the details (pricing, delivery lead time, quantity, quality certifications, manufacturer details). If you like the product, click the ‘Add to Cart’ button.

Access shopping cart by clicking on
icon at top right corner of screen.

Step 4:

Checkout & make online/offline payment

Click on ‘Checkout’ button in your
shopping cart and follow the checkout process.

Product Summary
Check your order details & edit if needed.

Additional Services
Select any additional services for your order, e.g. Inspection, Testing, Export Insurance, etc.

Confirm Address
Enter your shipping & billing address.

Select Payment Method

Choose Credit Card & upload
a photo of your government ID
(passport, government-issued ID Card, driver’s license).

If you cannot pay by credit card, choose ‘offline payment’ option. After you submit your order online, you will be contacted by our team to help you process the payment offline.

Order Summary
Review the order details; if everything
looks good click ‘Place Order’ button.

Order Placed
That’s it! Our team will process the order & keep you updated on the status of your order.

100% money-back

We have direct connection with manufacturers – no brokers, reducing price & risk

Professional team to manage order, from sourcing to delivery

*Money-Back Guarantee: We will produce and deliver goods as per mutually-agreed specifications, quality, pricing, and delivery terms. Any exceptions will be eligible for replacement or refund.

Any questions?

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