Freelancer Assisted Sourcing

Find quality manufacturers using a freelancer starting
at US$299/project

Our Service

Need help identifying manufacturers to make your next hot product? Tell us your requirements and BuyHive’s sourcing experts (we call them Bees!) will tap into their networks or attend a trade show to find suitable manufacturers and prepare your customized sourcing report with manufacturer profiles, product photos, product specs, and pricing. Coming soon!

How it works

Buyer tells us their manufacturer
& product requirements

Bee uses their network or
attends trade show to find manufacturers
& creates a shortlist for buyer

BuyHive delivers a customized
Sourcing Report to buyer

BuyHive matches buyer with a “Bee”
sourcing professional who’s an expert
in this product

Bee uploads all manufacturer & product
information to BuyHive platform

Buyer rates Bee to ensure
the quality of the BuyHive network

Our Partners

Data & Analytics

Dun & Bradstreet (D&B), a leading global provider of business decisioning data and analytics, enables companies around the…

Sourcing & Manufacturing

For over 40 years, Headwind Group has served the manufacturing and design needs of the most well-known major retailers…

Quality Assurance

One of the biggest global names in quality assurance, the UK-based Intertek ensures the quality and safety of products…

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