Frequently Asked Questions
BuyHive’s Expert Sourcing platform launched online in March 2022 and buyer promotion is under way. We have already completed the first few buyer projects and we are looking forward to serving many more buyers in the coming months. We will assign you to a project as soon as we get one that matches your expertise.
Pay depends upon your location. Please contact us if you wish to confirm expected rates for your location.
We will pay you in your local currency, directly to your bank account. So, it is important that you provide accurate bank account information during the Onboarding process.
Yes, BuyHive will conduct a Zoom training before you start your first project.
Yes, you will see the full enquiry before you start working on the project.
If you have questions for the buyer or require clarification, simply reach out to your BuyHive contact person and they will communicate your questions to the buyer.
If you have any technical issues with the website/portal, kindly report it to your contact person and include details of the error (screenshots if available) so our Technical team can help to resolve the issue quickly.
If you are ill or require a deadline extension for some other reason, please send an email to & explain your reasons. Our team may cancel the project or grant you an extension, depending on the situation.
Yes, it is possible that you will be charged a penalty if your project is submitted after the deadline. It depends on the reasons for the delay, and BuyHive reserves the right to make a final decision on how 2 to resolve such a situation. Also note that repeated “late” submissions will result in a lower rating on our platform, which will affect your eligibility for future projects.
Sometimes a factory may take a long time to reply. In such a situation, please submit your Supplier Report but please include a note that you are waiting on more information and ensure that your contact person at BuyHive is aware of the situation at the time you submit the Report. As soon as your factory sends you the information, please forward to with the project # in the subject line of the email. Our team will forward it to the relevant buyer.
Just submit as many as you can find and communicate to your BuyHive contact person about the reasons for your inability to find that many. Our goal is to recommend 5 to the buyer, but we understand that some projects will have fewer suitable suppliers due to a variety of reasons that may be beyond your control.
Depending on the reason for your inability to find 5 suppliers, and the BuyHive team’s own verification, we will confirm if it is acceptable to submit a lower number.
If you can’t find any suppliers who can match the buyer’s target price, you should proceed to complete the project with the best available price and explain this in the information that you submit for the Report. Yes, you can still get paid even if you can’t match the requested price, provided that you have made your best effort to contact a range of suppliers to benchmark the pricing.
Yes, BuyHive will verify on a spot check basis and reject the Report, if we find that there is inaccurate information. If this happens more than once, your rating will be affected.
Project completion requires approval first from BuyHive and second from the buyer. If the buyer does not give their approval due to dissatisfaction with the content of the Supplier Report, BuyHive will assess the buyer’s concern. If the concern is reasonable, BuyHive will work with you to get additional information for the buyer. If the concern is unreasonable, BuyHive will give final approval and pay you for completion of the project.
BuyHive will give the buyer a week to receive and accept/reject the Report, and we will inform you of the status as soon as we receive confirmation.
You can expect to get paid within 30 days after you submit your “final” Report – note that “final” means that the Report already addresses any revisions requested by the buyer, after they review the initial Report.
Yes, if a past recommended supplier is suitable for your new project, it is acceptable for you to recommend that supplier to the new buyer.
If you have available time and can make a commitment to submit two Supplier Reports within their respective deadlines then, yes, you are permitted to take on more than one project at a time. If you have extra time, please communicate that to your contact person at BuyHive.
Yes! If you refer a sourcing expert who passes our application & interview process and successfully completes the Onboarding process, BuyHive will pay you an incentive equivalent to HK$250.00 in the form of a shopping voucher that’s relevant for your location.
Once BuyHive gets a buyer sourcing request that matches your skillset, you will receive an email notification and phone call with the buying information. You will have 24 hours to review the information and confirm your acceptance. After you accept the sourcing request, you need to contact suppliers and input the required supplier and product information into the Report within 6 calendar days. Your goal is to recommend 5 suppliers who are capable of making the product according to the buyer’s specifications. To help you understand the content of the Sourcing Report, please refer to the Sourcing Report examples that we have provided separately.
Here is how we recommend that you introduce BuyHive and yourself to suppliers: “Hello, my name is XX. I’m a sourcing expert working for the BuyHive Expert Sourcing Network, which is an innovative global network of freelance sourcing professionals who do sourcing projects for buyers worldwide, including Sprouts (a 360-store US organic supermarket), NHS (UK National Health Service, largest healthcare provider in UK), Zilingo (leading eCommerce platform in SE Asia), and University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (US hospital chain with 40 hospitals). In 2021 alone, BuyHive serviced over $100 Million USD worth of inquiries from buyers worldwide. BuyHive has been hired by an overseas buyer [Note to Freelancer: if buyer provides their company name and location in the sourcing request, you can tell this to the supplier now], and I’ve been assigned to find and qualify suppliers who can meet the buyer’s requirements. If you are a suitable supplier, I will recommend your company and products to the buyer and the buyer will contact you directly. Let’s talk about what the buyer needs…”
Once information is submitted and verified, you will need to contact us for any updates or changes. You will not be able to make any changes on your own.
Yes, pls contact and state the reason for the account deactivation. Our team will delete your account registration from our website and your profile is no longer displayed publicly online.
If you have any questions, please contact the BuyHive team at